www.worldcolleges.info has a vision to create awareness in the minds of the aspiring rural students to uplift rural education and economy. We are proud to say that our website has been cited in the textbook on Computer Science for +2 students of Tamilnadu
In order to harness the ambition and energy of the youth, we are conducting a National Level Contest for the youth under the title “E-Fest”. Details of this conducted earlier could be seen at http://www.worldcolleges.info/pressclips.php
We have pleasure to announce that we are launching our Second National Level Annual Talent Competition under the title, “E-Fest-2011” through our educational web portal http://www.worldcolleges.info. College students pursuing their studies in all disciplines can participate in this E-fest contest.
E-Fest consists of the following rounds :-
1. Online IQ Test -comprises questions from five main areas-arithmetic, logical reasoning, , Psychology and.
2. Online Brain Bench -comprises questions that elicit the student's language skills(English-Verbal Reasoning), visuall spatial, Puzzles,and Technical test in (OS,Internet,Opensource)
3.E-paper presentation - Students should submit their E-paper through our website’s file uploading process. (To create awareness in the minds of the aspiring rural students to uplift rural education and economy) Topics under the title (Climate / Water / Agri / Pollution / Internet)
4. State Level convention – is the final round comprising a Group Discussion, Professional and Personal Interview etc. This round will be conducted by top Academicians and Executives in the IT industry..
TENTATIVE dates for Schedule of Events :
Level 1 – July – 15th to 20th - Online IQ
Level 2 – July 22nd to 24th - Online Psychology Test
Level 3 – August 7th to 15th – E paper Presentation
Finals – 26th – 28th – Group Discussion / Interview and the Finals.
Award ceremony – in the month of September
Why this E-Fest?
Every student has different visions on what to do; yet the most difficult part of their vision is its implementation – shortly on 'How to do?'. This E-Fest provides opportunities to spell out the ways of practical implementation of their vision. . He or She learns simple yet profound skills meant for day to day management of their vision. The objective of this E-Fest is to Spotlight and recognize the rural talent..
Who can attend?
Students from all colleges & Polytechnics , in all discipline can attend this contest.
Students from all colleges & Polytechnics , in all discipline can attend this contest.
This is Free for every student.
How one can attend?
Just enter the following address in your browser http://www.worldcolleges.info/efest2011 and the youth will be guided
E-Fest Advantage :
Students will get an insight on various aspects of Career Planning resulting in many benefits including Job opportunity. Likewise, various details related to Career guidance as explained in the E-Fest will enable them to comply with all those obligations which are cast on them related to Career Planning. Students will learn new and innovative ideas which can be implemented by them in dealing with the matters of their career.
Venue :-
The venue will be intimated in our website very soon, in which the winners from the above 4 rounds will get awards from a distinguished personality. We intend to invite A National Eminent Scholar as the Chief Guest.
Any Clarifications Please Contact us at
Any Clarifications Please Contact us at
Phone : 044 - 4213 9949
EMail : worldcolleges@apple.in,